BDS, MS in clinical research Researcher
Saudi Arabia
BDS, MS in clinical research Researcher
Researcher at Global Center of Mass Gathering Medicine, Ministry of Health, Saudi Arabia. Prior to joining dental school, I had no appreciable knowledge of how the discipline of epidemiology might enrich my career. I quickly realized, however, that training in epidemiological theory and methods would improve my expertise and skills as a dental practitioner, research investigator and a planner for health system reform; as explicated next. Where dentistry satisfied my artistic talent, and attention to details, a degree in clinical research had polished my qualities of dedication, persistence, and analytical thinking. Together with working at NYU research facilities and joining Cornell University as visiting scientists had armed me with necessary knowledge and polished my skills to develop holistic approach to addressing global health concerns. Thus, diverse exposure and in-depth orientation and comprehension of research governance and health diplomacy principles were a great asset that had flourished during my service in Saudi Arabia working in collaboration with local and global agencies to enforce Saudi Arabian commitment to Global Health Security Agenda and Sustainable Development Goals.
Source: AEEDC Website