Dr. Alin Gabor

Dentist - Assoc. Prof

Has Participated in 2 events.



Dr. Alin Gabor

Dentist - Assoc. Prof

Dr. Alin-Gabriel Gabor is Assistant Professor at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy ''Victor Babes'' Timisoara. He graduated Highschool National College ”Iancu de Hunedoara” from hunedoara in 2009 with high school diploma. He has been working at University of Medicine and Pharmacy ''Victor Babes'' Timisoara, Faculty of dentistry, Department of Prosthesis Technology and Dental Materials, since graduation year (2015) as an Assoc. Prof. .Since 2015 he has been PhD student at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy ''Victor Babes'' with the thesis ''3D Printing used in dental medicine''. In 2016 he has been certified with the title of Diplomate in advancement of Implant Dentistry by the Crossborder Association for Implantology and Dental Medicine according to the diploma no.618/01.07.2016. He is author of 1 book and more than 30 publications in journals and conferences.  Member of Romanian Society of Biomaterials since 2016.  

He currently works in the private clinic dedicated to dental aesthetics "House of Beauty Clinic" in Bucharest. He is enrolled in the Master of Dental Aesthetics in Dubai. His work is focused on Complex Oral Rehabilitation, especially Aesthetics and Dental and Facial Cosmetics.
