Early Childhood Caries (ECC), also known as baby bottle tooth decay or nursing bottle caries. It is most common chronic disease of childhood (more common than obesity and asthma). This condition not only affects oral health but also has an impact on the general health of children under the age of six, and it can have serious consequences (malnutrition, swelling & abscess, weight loss, lack of sleep & fatigue due to night time pain) if not addressed promptly.
In the session the following topics will be discussed upon
✅Educating parents for ECC
✅Diagonsis and obtaining a proper history
✅Treatment options
✅Prevention by raising awareness
what will you learn in this session?
1 How to raise awarness about disease and its consequenses
2 Early diagnosis and promt treatment for ECC
3 Stages of ECC
4 Refer the patient if not managable to do the needful
Date : 03/03/2024 |06:30 PM IST