Author-Dr Aparna Pandya (Mrs India Vivacious 2019)
Dentin hypersensitivity is among the most constantly reported dental complaints in and dental practice. This condition primarily occurs due to dentin exposure to thermal, chemical or other stimulants, thereby causing extreme perceptivity and pain. The dentin is the part of the tooth structure directly underneath the enamel.
Dentin hypersensitivity is also appertained to as dentin perceptivity. This can beget significant deterioration of the quality of life of the patient, because of the pain, which may strike while doing any routine work, as eating commodity cold or hot, and the poor aesthetic appearance.
Dentin hypersensitivity is attributed to dentin exposure. One of the principal causes of dentin exposure is exposure of dentin at the roots of the teeth. Unlike the tooth crown, the roots aren't covered by the hard defensive cover appertained to as enamel. Roots are primarily composed of dentinal tubules. When they're exposed to stimulants similar as sweet, cold or hot foods and drinks, the affected person experiences an extreme sensation which is appertained to as dentin hypersensitivity.
Factors causing dentin hypersensitivity
Many factors can dispose an individual to dentin hypersensitivity-
- Coarse tooth brushing – Brushing the teeth too hard can wear off the defensive enamel covering the tooth. Damage to the enamel causes the dentin to become exposed, thereby causing dentin hypersensitivity.
- Recession- One of the leading causes of recession is periodontal conditions.
- Fractured teeth-Broken teeth may allow bacteria to find their way into the pulp of the teeth, performing in inflammation and tooth perceptivity
- Grinding of teeth-Regular clenching or grinding of the teeth, as in bruxism, may also beget deterioration of the defensive enamel, leading to dentinal hypersensitivity.
- The overuse of abrasive agents like hydrogen peroxide or baking soda for tooth whitening may also affect in damage to the tooth enamel and exposure of the deeper tooth layers, leading to tooth hypersensitivity.
- The overenthusiastic use of mouthwashes could also increase the chances of tooth perceptivity especially if the dentin is exposed. Acids present in the mouthwash may further exaggerate the tooth perceptivity.
- Enamel erosion, particularly that caused by the consumption of largely acidic foods like pickles, tomatoes and tea, can cause extreme dentin perceptivity.
- Certain dental procedures like tooth scaling may beget hypersensitivity. The perceptivity caused by these procedures generally recovers within 4 to 6 weeks post procedure.
- The medical history will help to establish pain intensity, pain type and factors that exaggerate or reduce the pain.
Elimination of factors contributing towards dentin hypersensitivity is the first step to treating dentinal hypersensitivity. Correction of etiological factors like defective tooth brushing fashion, correction of problems with dentition like occlusal corrections, and stoppage of the consumption of largely acidic foods, are each important in treating dentinal hypersensitivity.
Treating dentin hypersensitivity by the usage of desensitizing agents. These are principally classified into two types-
- At home remedies- This system is uncomplicated and rational, wherein the desensitizing agent is applied by the patient at home. Some of the at- home desensitizing agents are in the form of mouthwashes or toothpastes
- Unlike home styles, the dentist can treat the patients at the clinic - Some of the common desensitizing agents include potassium nitrate, sodium fluoride, oxalates, varnishes. These agents release certain chemicals either by sealing the dentinal tubules or by interposing the conduction of of the impulses causing the pain.
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